Out of love for the environment.
Naturally, it is our primary goal to sell property and make our clients and partners happy. Nevertheless, we also want to contribute to preserving the environment, so we can pass on our planet to the next generation with a clear conscience. Therefore, we continuously support people, clubs, and institutions who further this cause.
Jane Goodall Institut
Österreichische Krebshilfe Kärnten
Medizinische Hilfsorganisation
Verein für »Kleine Wildtiere in großer Not«
Tiko Landes Tierschutzverein Kärnten
Global 2000 für Menschen und Umwelt
Schulsporthilfe für das Odilien Blindeninstitut
Arche Noah – Rettung von Saatgutraritäten
Steirer helfen Steirern
Malteser Hospitaldienst Austria
Debra Austria – Hilfe für Schmetterlingskinder
Sponsoring des Club 41 Graz Clocktower
Kinderschutzverein die „Möwe“
Herzog Immobilien
We provide extraordinary real estate for extraordinary people. Our more than 35-year-long experience makes us the perfect partner in the sale of property, houses, apartments and commercial real estate.